Imagen Idea
The challenge
The main challenge was to create a digital communication medium from 0. We had to make the web known and get reputation, and at the same time we had to write to produce content!
The results
Imagen Idea did not take long to consolidate and I was soon able to reach collaboration agreements with the main entertainment companies. We manage to be present at the main events in the sector, and be a medium to watch.

To share is to live
ImagenIdea.es is a digital magazine about audiovisual content: cinema, series, video games, short films… from a sincere, close and objective point of view. Imagen Idea born on September 2016, when two friends: Eduardo y Ramiro traveled to 64th edition of San Sebastian Film Festival. We felt the urgent task to create a platform to tell all our experience and knlowdge, and that’s how Imagen Idea born. I was in charge of creation and management of the website and SEO positioning strategy, management of social networks and sign collaboration agreements with the main audiovisual companies, among other things…

We created this website to share all our knowledge about the industry that we love.
Eduardo R. Zaballos
Imagen Idea